Future Shapers
Dear Future Shaper!
Thank you for sharing the exciting adventure of our Sparkling Rendezvous!
You have a suggestion or comment, a brilliant idea? This is the place to share it!
Dear Future Shaper!
Thank you for sharing the exciting adventure of our Sparkling Rendezvous!
You have a suggestion or comment, a brilliant idea? This is the place to share it!
I’ve found out that, in the crisis context, it’s really good to read happy news and to get to know all these Future Shapers.
Glad it helps! Happy new year to you Ana!
Positive news are a real treasure to cherish and spread, thanks to Sparkling Rendezvous!
Yes, really needed!
All those projects are very meaningful. I recommand you a great movie “!The boy who harnessed the Wind” by Chiwetel Ejiofor. This movie is based on a true story.
Hi Albert! Thanks for sharing. Yes I saw this movie and was really impressed by the courage and determination of this boy. It doesn’t need much to change the life of a whole communitiy
That’s what this blog is all about.
I just went to my first Maker Faire and I hightly recommend it! All kind of inventions, people, just a nice way to open your mind and nourish your creativity!
Yes I do agree it’s a very interesting event to meet inventors of all kind!
Dear Future Shapers, Happy creative year !
Reading Sparkling Rendezvous helps me to be a better version of myself, conscious of how I can create and contribute to a better world. Dear Future Shapers, we still have a lot to do !
You blog is definitely a way of opening our mind and unleashing our creative power. Thanks for your contribution.
A very interesting quest for constructive innovations
Long life to Sparkling Rendezvous!
The people you present are all very inspiring. I would like to develop this creative and enthousiastic way to work all my life!
You did a great job! It’s very useful to stimulate curiosity and creativity. It makes me want to apply your tips in my professional and everyday life.
Amazing to see all this creativity around the world! It’s fantastic!
I’m passionate about innovation and creativity. I know a lot about this subject, but I discovered some new things in your blog!
I enjoyed the short format of your articles. They are diverse, well written and original.
It’s a good idea to remember that they are still accessible on your blog.
Very good way to find new ideas oriented to a better future and a sustainable development.
it’s so great to see how much our power of inspiration and creativity can help change our world all for the best!
Congrats to all the future shapers!
Changing environment is important to be creative and they are just so good at it! Congrats!
Sparkling Rendezvous makes me breathe wider, better and happier !!! Thanks to all the Future Shapers !
Brilliant creations! Inventive people.
Take care Future Shapers
What a nice topic just before the week-end! Would like to visit them in Rio
Came across your blog. Nice innovative energy here! Would like to create with you.
Have a joyful 2017!
Dear all,
Let’s build a new happy world of trust, solidarity and joy!
All the best to Le Creativ’ Center!
Friendly lion in urban jungle!
Crea addicts are going to love it!
Would love to have a date with Lleo
A new era for Le Creativ’ Center?
Would like to know more about it
Waouh effect guaranteed!
YES!!!! Let’s make some crazy things this spring ! Just for fun !
Good trick Marie Claire ! For a minute I thought I was french : )
What a witty way of travelling!
Seems like an experience that is worth it!
Really interesting to be aware of all those facts! Thanks for your work Marie-Claire!
And happy new year to all of us!
Get away from habit and routine!
Empty your mind
Do it everywhere, in your bed, your office, while shoping…
Yes, it’s very important to give your creative energy a recharge by thinking positively
Let’s face it: “I’m a big ideas guy”
Discomfort and excitement
Google invites Lady Gaga
Cleanse your body
Dive into a completely new experience!
Sleeping is my top priority!
Yes, I enjoy having a creative nap at work: a few minutes help me a lot.
Have a silent walk into the park next door works amazingly well.
Going out to eat at restaurant on my own, like to the sushis place
Laughing with my colleagues is my favorite way too!
Laughing with people is good for me
People in fact
Very often, we don’t need to look far away; a lot of solutions are just in front of us!
CONGRATS! We just want to taste all those créations.
How witty Regina is!
Makes us believe in humanity and be grateful for everything we have!
Wonderful and fun!
Sparkling Rendezvous makes us happy!
Thank you for keeping up with optimism and welcome to Brazil!
Climate just matters!
For 3 years now, your blog has had a positive impact on my ability to create. And it keeps inspiring me. Let’s celebrate!
Had no idea about this incredible ressource, thanks for sharing!
Gee! I want those Smartoilette! Hello to all the Futureshapers!
I am amazed by those discoveries
Congratulations to this fantastic woman and long life to her initiative!
We apprehend ice-cream differently now!
Excellent initiative! Congratulations Aéroports de Paris!
A crucial matter, essential to talk about it!
Captivating and utterly important! Thanks to you!
Have on your laptop gingles you play from time to time
Start your conference wearing a pyjama
Bring a strange object in a meeting
Or put it on your desk
Watch funny videos with your colleagues
Or moustaches
Wear a funny hat
I bring from time to time one of your son’s toy at the office: that makes people laugh
Read or watch Dilbert! http://www.dilbert.com/
Laugh first, then know why
Learn a magic trick and perform it at work
Humor is a good way to stop a conflict
Wear two different shoes
Comment office absurdities to release the pressure
Very useful for budget discussions
Work on perfecting your funny impressions of your customers or colleagues
Bring in a laughing teacher.
Have a popcorn party in your office but forget to put the top on when you’re making the first patch.
I don’t cultivate it; that just happens! It’s very natural to me.
This invitation is so relevant in our too busy agendas: let’s target tempo gusto for 2015!
I live in Hawaï “Ride with the tide and go with the flow”, don’t offer a lot of resistance
I tend to be lost in my thoughts, I am slow naturally and need to speed up
New ways of thinking to explore! Good for us!
Just got in Sparkling Rendezvous and gathered a lot of different ideas
Happy Diwali from Bombay! To us, it’s really THE important time of the year and we enjoy it! Good luck and success to all the Future Shapers!
I live in London and the town is really into it today! Let’s share joy & light!
Thanks to your post created a very nice and efficient ritual. Let’s go!
Nice you chosed India because we have so much to learn from them! Awaiting for next post with excitement
Inspiring and delightful!
This way of growing food sets a precedent for the world and the benefits are endless! Nice to discover we have such events going on in our today’s world. And thanks to Sparkling Rendezvous!
Very helpful for us, that’s for sure.
Thanks Marie-Claire!
Nice post
Hello to all of you,
I live in New-York and had the wonderful opportunity to visit the murals. I really recommand it! It’s overwhelming and such a nice and impacting initiative! Enjoy!
Very encouraging article!
What I like about the creative meetings is that it can be applied to any kind of challenges.
Imagine all the wonderful events to come! WAOUH!!!
One word is essential: share, share and share. That makes me so happy.
Give thanks for all the people I meet, even in difficult relationships: they make me be more compassionate.
I buy myself a little pleasure… every week
I enjoy going on vacation very often during the year: just a few days from time to time helps to refresh body and mind.
I also enjoy looking forward a good time with family or friends
I take time to remember my best souvenirs! That’s great to live it again!
Take the time to do one thing at a time.
Be madly in love with… everything!!!
Enjoy pleasure and make it last as long as I can!
Increasing the quality of my relationships: spend nice moments with my family, friends and colleagues!
I’m grateful for everything I receive, even very small things.
I congratulate myself for my successes… and learn from my failures
I love who I am, what I do, what I have. What else could I need?
Everything comes to an end, even difficult times! To remember that helps!
I surprise myself at least twice a week!
What about a nice massage from time to time?
Everyday something new!
Live life fully at a quiet pace and in a harmonious atmosphere!
I buy myself flowers!
Don’t let the stress enter your office!
Slow down and enjoy each action one after another!
I forwarded Trendy grandmas to all my friends! We are very enthusiastic about this article!
Just love to travel with Sparkling Rendezvous: awaiting impatiently for next trip, where are you going to lead us?
It makes me want to be a kid again!
Not all childhood hopes and dreams can come true, but I guess that we can always keep on dreaming and hope that our dreams will eventually come true!
It’s good to know all that!
In our office, we have decided to really go green and made some major choices that are going to be implemented before end 2014. Glad to be part of The Futures Shapers’ family!
I’m new to the blog: lots of nourishing stuff for my creative projects. Longing for next post…
Your work was exactly what I was looking for!
I’m already flying to the moon, geeeeeee ! Have a gorgeous summer dear all.
I tend to forget all my little tricks: for me, the challenge is to remember them!
Remember to relax
I usually go and see my boss to ask him to prioritize the different tasks.
Do a sudoku or a crossword puzzle or play with my Rubik’s cube helps me to focus on something else
Splashing your face with cold water
Why not get a little massage?
Or make it yourself
Share a cup of tea with your best colleague
Have a good laugh with a joke
Even provoked laugh is good too
Putting on a few drops of your favourite perfume
Go out for a 5 minute walk
Eat chocolate ice-cream
Listen to a few minutes of music on your smartphone
Having a drink at the coffee machine
Drawing or colouring a mandala helps relaxation & concentration
Just sit down and sleep for 5 minutes!
Wanta try deep breathing?
For me there is no better way than meditation: it makes me calm and controls my negative emotions. My mind gets clearer.
The ideas for the Creative Challenge How to manage the pressure better are here!!!
I think Jose Mourinho has good points on managing pressure. The best way to manage pressure is to not feel the need to have it. Do your best and have fun. Stay loose and limber. Usually the results are better that way.
“Pressure? What pressure? Pressure is poor people in the world trying to feed their families. There is no pressure in football”
“We play without the pressure. We play without the responsibility. Tonight we sleep with sundreams”
-Jose Mourinho
Beautiful, thanks!
I really love Stockholm too and think a visit there is very valuable for our creativity, especially the trendy and original cafes.
Thanks for sharing.
Well done : your Popins is so useful !
Generally I do not read post on blogs ; however I would like to say that this article on stand-up meetings is quite amazing : I’m gone a try it! Thanks for your post.
Thanks for your inno boost that is so important for us! Friendly and challenging!
Excellent Ulf! I definitely love your very useful tips!
Super, keep it up!
All your articles really inspire me and help keeping up with creativity in my job. Glad I belong to the Future Shapers community!
I just want to thank you for this refreshing initiative – I always look forward to receiving your though-provoking, and often encouraging little message on a Monday morning.
I’m in !
Amazing blog! I like and recommend it!
Congratulations! Great initiative & design!