Tired of inefficient and unending meetings? Here’s a trick to keep it short! A stand-up meeting! 3 to 15 minutes of team discussion around 3 subjects. As I see them:
- What did you discover & accomplish yesterday?
- How will you change the world today?
- Which obstacles are in the way of tomorrow?
Let me give you a few tips to color your meetings.
- Start with the sounds of Bob Marley “Get Up Stand Up”.
- Same time, same place, or in various places like the doorway, the coffee machine, the window with the view…
- Rotate the facilitator at each meeting
- And, for dynamics and solidarity, make sure each one is involved.
It’s a time also to jot down new ideas and to program your next creative meeting! And be sure to find a way to finish your meeting on an up-beat note! Let us know how it worked for you.