1/ Today, change your persona. Be “Pretty woman” or “James Bond” for one day. Live the way they would live: walk and talk like they would do. Experience their worlds.
2/ Start a confetti fight in your office right now!
3/ Develop a creativity ritual to use each time you look for new ideas.
4/ Visit a toy store and imagine new ideas by entering the different realms: be a princess, a truck driver, a fire fighter, the mother of a blond doll, etc.
5/ Make a celebration wall with your team. Find a lot of things to be happy with and celebrate everything!
6/ Write an operating manual for yourself describing how, when and where you are the most creative. Tell your boss and your friends.
7/ Walk barefoot in the mud, grass or snow. See how it feels and boost your creative results.
8/ Pretend you have secret powers. What secret powers would you choose? What is the world like when you have them?
9/ DO IT NOW and ENJOY IT! Yes! Great! Shout out loud how proud of yourself you are!